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Du, L., Lin, S., Kamenova, K. (2020). Framing Ethical Concerns and Attitudes Towards Human Gene Patents in the Chinese Press. Asian Bioethics Review 12 (3), 307–323.


Kamenova, K. (2018). Why ethical qualms over human embryonic stem cells are no longer relevant: An analysis of the evolving public discourse and regulatory context for stem cell research in Canada. In Susanne Müller, Henning Rosenau (Eds), Stammzellen - iPS-Zellen - Genomeditierung. Stem Cells - iPS Cells - Genome Editing (pp. 109-124). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.


Kamenova, K. (2017). Into the Unknown: Framing Uncertainty and Risk in News Media Portrayal of Gene Drive Technology. Talking About Gene Drive: Communications Workshop, Baltimore, MD.


Kamenova, K. (2017). Media portrayal of stem cell research: towards a normative model for science communication. Asian Bioethics Review, 9(3), 199-209.


Kamenova, K. (2017). Religion, ethics and scientific knowledge in the post-secular society: A case study of the stem cell controversy. NotaBene, (36).​


Murdoch, B., Ravitsky, V., Ogbogu, U., Ali-Khan, S., Bertier, G., Birko, S., Kamenova, K., ... & Moreno, P. G. (2017). Non-invasive prenatal testing and the unveiling of an impaired translation process. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 39(1), 10-17.


Kamenova, K., Ravitsky, V., McMullin, S., & Caulfield, T. (2016). Media portrayal of non-invasive prenatal testing: a missing ethical dimension. JCOM: Journal of Science Communication, 15(02), A3.


Kamenova, K., & Goodman, N. (2015). Public Engagement with Internet Voting in Edmonton: Design, Outcomes, and Challenges to Deliberative Models. Journal of Public Deliberation, 11(2), Article 4.


Kamenova, K., & Caulfield, T. (2015). Stem cell hype: Media portrayal of therapy translation. Science Translational Medicine, 7(278), 278ps4-278ps4.


Caulfield, T., Kamenova, K., Ogbogu, U., Zarzeczny, A., Baltz, J., Benjaminy, S., … Toews, M. (2015). Research ethics and stem cells: Is it time to re-think current approaches to oversight? EMBO Reports, 16(1), 2–6.


Du, L., Kamenova, K., & Caulfield, T. (2015). The gene patent controversy on Twitter: a case study of Twitter users’ responses to the CHEO lawsuit against Long QT gene patents. BMC Medical Ethics, 16(55).


Zarzeczny, A., Caulfield, T., Ogbogu, U., Bell, P. Crooks, V.A., Kamenova, K. et al. (2014). Professional regulation: A potentially valuable tool in responding to “stem cell tourism”. Stem Cell Reports, 3(3), 379-384.


Kamenova, K., Reshef, A., & Caulfield, T. (2014). Representations of stem cell clinics on Twitter. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 10(6), 753–760.


Kamenova, K., Reshef, A., & Caulfield, T. (2014). Angelina Jolie’s faulty gene: newspaper coverage of a celebrity’s preventive bilateral mastectomy in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Genetics in Medicine, 16(7), 522–528.


Kamenova, K., & Goodman, N. (2013). A new participatory policy model: the Edmonton citizens’ jury on Internet voting. Canadian Parliamentary Review, 36(2), 13–20.


Kamenova, K., & Goodman, N. (2013). Un nouveau modèle de politique participative : Un jury de citoyens d'Edmonton se penche sur le vote par Internet. Revue Parlementaire Canadienne, 36(2), 13–20.


Kamenova, K. (2011) The public communication and biopolitics of human embryonic stem cell research in the United States and the European Union. Doctoral dissertation. Yorkspace. York University, Toronto, Canada.


Kamenova, K. (2010). Why We Should Strive Toward Reflexive Scientific Practices in Neuroscience. AJOB Neuroscience, 1(4), 59–60.


Kamenova, K. (2010). Politics and persuasion in medical controversies. The American Journal of Bioethics, 10(9), 68–69.


Kamenova, K. (2010). Is there a moral obligation to have children of only one sex? The American Journal of Bioethics, 10(7), 26–27.


Kamenova, K. (2010). Moral Divide: Religion and Politics in the Stem Cell Controversy. Strategies of Critique: A Graduate Journal of Social and Political Thought, 1(2), 1–16.


Kamenova, K. (2008). Beyond Embryo-Centrism: Re-framing the Public Debate on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research in the United States and Canada. Association canadienne de communication/Canadian Communication Association, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.


Kamenova, K. (2008). Review of Robert P. George and Christopher Tollefsen. Embryo: A Defense of Human Life. The American Journal of Bioethics, 8(12), 65–66.


Kamenova, K. (2002). Charitable souls, disciplined bodies: Propaganda and the advertising of public goods in Eastern Europe. Working Paper Series, Trans-regional Center for Democratic Studies. New York, NY: New School University


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